Ghalban: Rescued from an abusive owner downtown Cairo

The first time TEHP became aware of a issue downtown was status updates on the animal activists page.

They had found a donkey downtown who had a seriously injured hind leg and the owner was beating him and forcing him to continue working. The donkey had to hop along on three legs at a fast pace to please his owner. The pain and distress he was under was apparent. Lucky for the little donkey there was a group of Egyptians who cared enough to stand up to the cruel owner and fight for the poor little donkey.

Facebook extract-

“This beautiful little donkey was found downtown being beaten to work by his owner even though he has a seriously injured hind leg for the past 2 weeks.
Mariam, Salwa and George stopped and discussed with the man for 5 hours to save this donkey from such terrible abuse. Mariam’s father so kindly donated the funds to purchase the donkey and release him from the cruelty and Yossra has paid for his transportation to TEHP.
The donkey has been called “Ghalban” which means humble in arabic by one of his saviours Mariam.”


Some extracts in arabic from the past few days as Mariam tried to save the donkey-

إلحقوني يا جماعة أنا عند سوق السيارات بقالي 5 ساعات في خناقة مع عربجي حقير أنا وسلوي عبده وجورج طلعت…الحمار ده رجله مكسورة من إسبوعين والراجل بيشغلو علي العربية بثلاث رجول ومطلع عينه من الضرب بشهادة كل الناس …..أرجوكم المساعدة الراجل مش عايز يرحم الحمار ويسيبوا لينا ناخده إلا لما ندفع 1500 جنيه وبالعافية نازلنا ل800 جنيه دفعهم جورج اللي بلغ عن الحالة بس بعد ما وعدته إن حرجعلوا الفلوس بعد يومين …أنا في ورطة في عرضكم وواقفة في الشارع مستنية العربية اللي حنقل الحمار بيها نزلة السمان…..لو حد ممكن يساهم أسد المبلغ ده أو حتي نصه…..Vodafone cash is 01005698459

شكرا لبابا حبيبي المهندس محمد علي عبد العال الذي تطوع بدفع 800 جنيه ثمن الحمار “غلبان” لإنقاذ حياته …. جزالك الله كل خير يا بابا …لو كان الحمار يستطيع الكلام لكان شكرك
بنفسه إنك خلصته من عذابه….وشكرا ليسري سيف النصر علي مساهمتها بمبلغ 150 جنيه لتغطية مصاريف النقل.
برجاء المساهمة معانا لتوصيل مبلغ رمزي كمساعدة لجمعية The Egypt Horse Projectكصدقة أكيدة وشكرا

ملحوظة : ثمن الحمار أقل من 800 جنيه طبعا لكن إحنا وصلنا للإتفاق ده بعد عناء كبير وبعد عرض كل التسهيلات لكن صاحب الحمار مصمم يا إما يعذبه يا إما يقبل علي نفسه فلوس حرام
Vodafone Cash 01005698459

When Ghalban arrived the staff at TEHP immediately unwrapped his injured leg to check the damage. Ghalban was starving and tried to eat the scraps out of the wheel barrow while he was checked over by the team.


Ghalban settled in well at TEHP and quickly became best friends with Mr Donkey. Ghalban had his leg checked over by the vet and was told he will make a full recovery. 


Ghalban is under weight so he was immediately started on a new diet that will help him to regain full strength.


Ghalban is very shy from the previous abuse he suffered so the team at TEHP treat him gently in an attempt to regain his trust. But after so many years of abuse Ghalban is used to being beaten and forced to do as he is told even if he is in incredible pain. Ghalban spends a lot of his time just relaxing now and enjoying his freedom while his leg heals. He has a lot of company with other donkeys and likes to doze in the sun at the safety of TEHP.


A few weeks ago Ghalban had recovered enough to have a gelding operation performed on him. This means that he can now spend even more time with female donkeys and the baby donkeys without fear of any unwanted pregnancies or aggression and fighting. Mr Donkey was gelded at the same time to minimise stress as they had each other to recover with. 



The latest update on Ghalban is that he is recovering well under the care of the team at TEHP. He is certainly thankful for the project as it has allowed him the much needed time to recover, regain strength and put on weight. Ghalban will never be beaten again or in the hands of a cruel owner. Thank you TEHP for helping the donkeys of Egypt. 




One thought on “Ghalban: Rescued from an abusive owner downtown Cairo”

  1. يا حبيبي جميل خالص,ربنا يكرم كل الي ساهموا في انقاذه و يجعله في ميزان حسناتهم يارب العالمين

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